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The Key to Success: Why Commitment is Crucial for Christian Women Entrepreneurs

In a world where we're constantly bombarded with strategies, tips, and to-do lists, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed, especially as a Christian woman entrepreneur. We might find ourselves doing all the right things—setting up our businesses, following every step we’re told to take—yet still not seeing the success we desire. If you’re feeling stuck or struggling to stay consistent in your business, the key to breaking through might be simpler than you think.

In a recent episode of the Call Her Profitable podcast, I shared the number one thing you need to build a successful business online with God: commitment. Yes, it’s that straightforward. Before you dive into all the tactics and strategies, you must first make a firm decision to commit to the journey God has set before you.

The Power of Commitment

Commitment isn’t just a nice idea or a word we toss around lightly. It’s a powerful, spiritual principle that can transform the way you show up in your business and life. When you commit, something profound happens within your spirit and mindset. You begin to align your actions with your purpose, and distractions that once seemed significant fade into the background.

As I mentioned in the podcast, once I embraced the power of commitment, my productivity skyrocketed. I stopped allowing distractions to pull me away from my work, and I took bold steps of faith, investing in myself and my business in ways I never had before. I experienced a new level of clarity about the direction God wanted me to take, and I was no longer afraid to invest the time, money, and effort needed to grow.

A Biblical Warning: The Weight of Your Commitment

Before you make this commitment, it’s important to understand the gravity of what you’re doing. In Acts 5:1-10, we read about Ananias and Sapphira, a husband and wife who made a commitment to God but didn’t follow through with integrity. Their story is a stark reminder that when we make a commitment to God, it’s not something to be taken lightly. Our “yes” must be a true “yes,” and our “no” a true “no.”

Steps to Strengthen Your Commitment

So, how do you fully commit to the business God has called you to build? Here are three steps that have helped me, and I believe they will help you too:

  1. Craft and Know Your Why: Take time to deeply consider why you want to start this business. Your “why” should be something that resonates deeply with your soul, not just a surface-level answer. For me, it was about gaining the time and financial flexibility to fulfill God’s calling in my life—to preach, teach, and serve. Knowing your “why” will keep you anchored when challenges arise.

  1. Write Your Why Where You Can See It: It’s easy to forget our motivations in the day-to-day hustle. To keep your commitment strong, write your “why” in a place where you’ll see it daily. Whether it’s on a sticky note, a whiteboard, or in your journal, having a visual reminder will keep you focused and driven.

  1. Recite Your Commitment to God Daily: This is a crucial step. Every day, take a moment to recite your commitment to God. Remind yourself that you are in this for the long haul, not just for temporary success. Pray over your commitment and ask God for the strength, wisdom, and perseverance to see it through. This daily practice will reinforce your dedication and align your efforts with God’s will.

Reflect and Share

Now, I’d love to hear from you. What is your “why”? What drives you to build your business or pursue the calling God has placed on your heart? Share your thoughts in the comments below or shoot me an email. Your “why” might just inspire someone else who needs a little encouragement today.


About the Author:

Odaisha Calderon is a Real-estate investor, Certified Life & Business Coach, founder of The Woman of Power Group and Host of the Call Her Profitable Podcast. Odaisha empowers Christ-centered women to use their gifts to build Kingdom businesses for income and impact so they can be self-sufficient financially. You can connect with Odaisha on instagram @Thewomanofpowergroup or through email at

If this topic resonated with you and you want to dive deeper into the spiritual foundations of building a successful business, I invite you to listen to Episode 2 of the Call Her Profitable podcast. In this episode, we explore how commitment can transform your entrepreneurial journey and what it truly means to partner with God in your business.

Stay committed, and remember that God is with you every step of the way.


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