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Social media management made easy!

The Entrepreneurial Mom

By TeQuila Stamps

The entrepreneurial mom is motivated by the desire to stay home and act as the primary caregiver to her developing children and the simultaneous need to generate an income–on her terms. This typically means that she’ll be able to balance earning a living with providing care for her children all from the comfort of her own home.

My experience with being an entrepreneurial mom has been a journey fueled by passion, drive, as well as motivation. Along the way, I’ve had to master the art of becoming skilled in the arts of juggling and balance–needing to juggle time commitments and deadlines with parenting and personal life in addition to wifely responsibilities. I’ve also had to wear many hats to get my startup off the ground.

Being a mompreneur is not for the faint at heart and requires a great deal of patience, dedication, focus, coupled with an unrivaled ability to multitask not mention stamina, and oh a baby carrier for those times when working with your little one in tow is a must.

Walking the path of an entrepreneurial mom for me has meant that in order to pursue my labor of love and current startup, Creative Genius, I’ve had to burn the midnight oil–building my website, devising market strategies, and social media ads all so as to not take time away from parenting my beautiful children. It’s meant scrambling to get work done, finish projects, network, create online tutorials all while my kiddos nap, which often occur in minuscule 30 to 40 minute bursts. It’s meant remembering to stay flexible and to be patient as an extremely goal-oriented person who hates to halt until the job is complete–as work can only be accomplished when the children don’t have an imminent need, which is rare–hence the need to hustle when the sun goes down.

However, although this path that I’ve chosen at times is an arduous one, I choose not to succumb; I continue to press on and muscle my way through to create opportunities for my children that I had not the luxury of. I trudge on to establish wealth for my family, to etch out my own future, and to lead by example. It’s paramount for me to teach my children the importance of creating jobs / wealth rather than seeking to only work for others to further establish their empires.

It occurred to me recently that we as human beings never truly know or fathom the breadth of our full potential or latent gifts until we’re squeezed between a rock and a hard place and are forced to rise. One never truly knows what they are capable of until they have no other recourse than to do what was formerly thought impossible.

I’ve found my niche and will continue to build my brand until Creative Genius is a household name. I am an educator at heart, and my passion is to utilize education as well as my experience, gifts, and talents to assist those in need and to equip them with the educational tools necessary to thrive in life!

To conclude, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the support of my husband. My successes would not be possible without him, my mother, and my creator. I hope these words inspire others to continue on their path and to not cease until the journey is complete.


TeQuila Stamps is a native of the Chicagoland area and currently resides in Aurora, Illinois with her husband and children. She a 3 year old, a 5 month old and 3 beautiful children gained after marrying my husband. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education as well as a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership & Program Change. She has taught both Middle School and Elementary School for over a decade and has an extraordinary passion for teaching, which led her to establish Creative Genius --an educational service business. She a believer, who thoroughly enjoys travel, spending time with family, shopping, reading, and all things cultural.


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