By: Rochelle Rolle

1. Prayer The bible is filled with so many scriptures on prayer, yet sometimes we neglect this fundamental part of our walk with God and even with our businesses. Prayer is simply speaking to or communicating with God. The bible tells us in Ephesians 6:18 to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” We have to pray “on all occasions”. This is important because we often reserve prayer for specific times like before daily meals or when things are going wrong in life. However, prayer is not meant to be practiced for tradition’s sake or only based on our circumstances. Prayer should be a part of our daily routine. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, it says, to “rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”. It’s in God’s will for us to pray continually! In James 5:16, we’re reminded that “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective”. Not only is prayer expected of us, but when we do it, the bible says it is powerful and effective. We are later reminded in James 5:17-18 about the biblical character named Elijah. These verses highlight that Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again, he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. How powerful is that? Elijah prayed so fervently to God that the rain stopped for three and a half years and then began again by his prayers. In sum, this section is the longest because prayer is a necessity and should be prioritized in our lives. In order to achieve all that God has in store for our businesses, we must make prayer a habit! Prayer is presenting our requests to God. We must put forth all of our requests to God regarding our business plans, our goals, and hope for our businesses. Through prayer, like Elijah, we too can persuade God to move on our behalf in a powerful way! 2. Prepare After you’ve prayed for what you hope to achieve, you also have to prepare yourself to receive. A lot of times we pray for things and then when we get what we prayed for; we don’t know what to do. For example, we may pray and ask God to expand our businesses and increase our sales. However, when God does expand our businesses, we’re sometimes not ready for it. We don’t realize that an expansion may require more responsibilities, resources, or even time. This can be a discouragement because we wanted the sales increase, but we weren’t prepared for the new commitments that came with it. Preparation is vital to achieving what God has in store for your life and your business. You must be willing to adjust, shift, and be prepared for what you are hoping to achieve.
3. Professionalism Finally, to be successful as a Christian business owner, a key component is professionalism. Your level of professionalism will speak volumes to your character, your business, and your clientele. Nowadays, it seems like some of the most unprofessional people are the ones who are successful and advancing in their businesses. Yet, we know that true success is staying true to who you are and honoring God on your journey. Your integrity and authenticity are highly valuable for a long-term sustainable business. Stay the course and watch how God elevates you in due time!
About Rochelle:
Learn more about Rochelle Rolle, Founder of Rochelle Speaks Life by connecting on Instagram!