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Writer's pictureOdaisha Ajayi

Mastering the Mindset to Build a Profitable Business and Life

In this blog post, we're diving deep into the mindset shifts necessary to build not just a profitable business, but a profitable life. If you're someone who has always been tactical—focused on strategies, to-do lists, and the know-how to execute—this is for you. But what happens when you've got the tactics down, yet something still holds you back? Often, the barrier is in your mindset. Let's explore the three key mindsets that are essential to building a life and business that thrive.

The Turning Point: My Personal Journey

Back in 2023, I experienced a turning point that forced a shift in my mindset. I was laid off twice in one year, the second time from a high-paying job that I thought was my dream role. I had negotiated a $20,000 raise, was working from home, and everything seemed perfect—until it wasn’t. The burnout was real. I found myself missing out on life, locking myself in a room to work while my friends and husband enjoyed each other’s company. Even my honeymoon was cut short because I had to return to work the very next day.

I realized I was giving the best of myself to a job, and the leftovers to my husband and my life. This led to a crucial realization: I wanted time and financial freedom, not just for me but for the women I'm connected to, women like you who want it all—a thriving business, a loving family, a strong community, and a balanced life.

Redefining Profitability

When we think of profitability, the first thing that comes to mind is money. But true profitability extends far beyond financial gain. It’s about being useful, resourceful, successful, and valuable in every area of life. Consider the Proverbs 31 woman—she was a great steward, a wise investor, a loving wife and mother, a servant in her community, and someone who feared the Lord. This holistic success is what we should strive for.

The Iceberg Theory and Your Mindset

As I continued my journey, I discovered the Iceberg Theory. It suggests that what we see—success, whether in business or relationships—is just the tip of the iceberg. Below the surface lies the hard work, discipline, and mindset that truly drive success. Your mindset is the 90% that people don’t see but is crucial for the 10% that they do.

Three Essential Mindsets for a Profitable Life and Business

1. The Steward of Great Riches Mindset

Everything we have—our vision, ideas, family, time, and gifts—is given by God and should be managed with care and diligence. This mindset requires us to be intentional with our resources, ensuring that we don’t squander what God has entrusted to us.

Practical Steps to Cultivate a Steward Mindset:

  • List Your Responsibilities: Write out everything you currently have to steward over—your house, marriage, children, business, job, etc.

  • Define Stewardship: Write out exactly what it means or looks like to steward these things well.

  • Self-Assessment: On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not good, 5 being great, 3 being okay but could be better), jot down how well you have been stewarding each area.

  • Plan for Improvement: For those areas where you scored 3 or below, think about and write down specific actions you can take to become a better steward.

2. The Growth Mindset

Continuous learning, self-improvement, and mastery are essential. This mindset involves being humble enough to recognize where you need to grow and being willing to invest in that growth. It’s about resilience, adaptability, and putting your money where your faith is.

Practical Steps to Cultivate a Growth Mindset:

  • Identify Learning Opportunities: Think about ways you can improve your craft. Is it being a mentee under someone you admire in business who can show you the ropes? Is it going back to school or getting a certification?

  • Invest in Yourself: Consider investing in a course or coach to help you grow in areas where you feel less confident.

  • Create a Growth Plan: Set specific, measurable goals for your personal and professional development, and track your progress.

3. The Servant Mindset

Building authentic relationships and serving others is at the heart of a profitable life and business. As entrepreneurs, we are problem solvers. Understanding the needs of those we serve and committing to meeting those needs is key to success.

Practical Steps to Cultivate a Servant Mindset:

  • Seek to Understand: Regularly ask your clients, team, or community what their biggest challenges are and how you can help solve them.

  • Serve First, Profit Later: Focus on delivering value and meeting needs before thinking about profit. The profit will come as a result of the value you provide.

  • Reflect on Service: At the end of each week, reflect on how well you served others. Where could you improve? What can you do differently to serve better?

Final Thoughts

Building a profitable business and life is possible, but it starts with the right mindset. By cultivating a mindset of stewardship, growth, and service, you’ll be equipped to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that come your way. Remember, it's not just about the actions you take but the beliefs and systems that underpin those actions.


About the Author:

Odaisha Calderon is a Real-estate investor, Certified Life & Business Coach, and founder of The Woman of Power Group and Host of the Call Her Profitable Podcast. Odaisha empowers Christ-centered women to use their gifts to build Kingdom businesses for income and impact so they can be self-sufficient financially. You can connect with Odaisha on instagram @Thewomanofpowergroup or through email at

Discover More in Episode 3 of the "Call Her Profitable" Podcast If you’re ready to dive deeper into this topic, I encourage you to listen to Episode 3 of the "Call Her Profitable" podcast. In this episode, we explore the mindsets needed to build a profitable life and business. Tune in and get inspired to take your business to the next level! 🎧


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