By: Motivational Mary
I'm a Christian and was raised to believe in Jesus Christ, but I'm learning each day that my faith has to grow. The COVID-19 pandemic really pushed me to stand on my faith to allow GOD to show up so it can help others. I believe when the USA found out about the first case of the virus, GOD was preparing my husband and me to sell our home and to get a bigger one.
This was a test of my faith and whose report I was going to believe. I had to believe and practice faith, not by words, but by actions this time. I had a lot of thoughts saying, "Stay on a comfortable level because that's what your parents have done!" Then there's the time I wasn't ready mentally for bigger and it cost us a home GOD wanted us to have. In the midst of that, we found a realtor and put our house on the market. This was a faith walk for sure. Our bank accounts didn't have the closing money or down payment to get another home. In addition, there were a few lingering debts as well.
When we started the process the interest rate kept going up, we searched many homes and got more aggressive with looking after our current home sold the day it was listed. It was indeed a miracle because the buyers gave us a deposit to secure the home. Thankfully, the new owners allowed us to stay for a few weeks until we found a home. Turns out that going through the pandemic was a blessing for us.
COVID-19 taught me to expect the unexpected and allow my faith to make up the difference. It gave me the ability to read more, worship more, and trust more. When things were unclear about anything, in the beginning, we just leaned on our faith. Today, my husband and I are stronger individuals. We have a new home, a fixed low interest rate, new furniture, and mostly debt-free. Our down payment and closing cost were paid by the sale of our old home. Although no one can predict what will happen in the future, we can stay grounded in our faith to get us through tough times.
About The Author:
Mary is a wife, woman of GOD and mom who loves to WRITE and SPEAK about moving beyond the past to live in the present. Growing up without a natural father was a struggle for her. Through her life it brought on great pain and experiences. However, with great pain and experiences comes wisdom. She was able to overcome bullying, domestic violence and condemnation. This allowed her to establish her organization “Motivational Mary in 2014 and self-publish 5 books. She has been recognized for several awards and been featured in the news for what GOD has done in her to help others.