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Father Wounds

Updated: Mar 11, 2023

By: Vernica Williams

Have you found yourself feeling a constant pull of wanting to be in control of when, where, and how things will happen in your life? Does the statement, “Wait on the Lord”, uproot a strong reaction within you? Have you found yourself being resistant with believing what the Bible says, specifically scripture that is God speaking? Are you in a tug of war battle with the concept of faith, so much so that remaining stagnant brings you a false sense of safety? Do you experience adult tantrums towards God when you feel him pulling you in a new direction and season of your life?

I encourage you to examine if you have a father wound. I know this is a tough topic but

struggling to relate to God as Father can interfere with your relationship with Him in a big way. Here are some indicators of the harm father wounds can cause.

1. Your father may have been in your presence but he was not emotionally present in your


2. Your father was critical, never seemed approving of you.

3. Your father was physically absent from your life.

4. Your father used love as a weapon.

5. Your father was physically and or emotionally abusive towards you and or others.

6. You could never reach his expectations of you.

The core behaviors of trauma will manifest in our willingness, understanding and acceptance of who God is and absolutely who He is as Father. During Jesus’ ministry there were many accounts when he addressed God as Father.

“My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them

out of My Father's hand. I and My Father are one.” ~John 10:29-30

“Saying, “Father if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but

yours, be done.” ~Luke 22:42

“Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except

through Me.” ~John 4:6

Fathers provide, protect, love unconditionally, and the covering of fatherhood is where we

receive our identity. What if Jesus lost sight of who he was on earth? What if every step Jesus

took was not guided by God the Father. What if he did not remove himself from the pull of

ministry to spend time with God the Father. Would we have a Savior? Would we have the

identity of a Christian? Where would we be?

Will you take some time with God today and ask him if you have a father wound that has

hindered the Father and daughter relationship, He desires with you.

"The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the

Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, 'Abba, Father.'” ~Romans 8:15 {NIV}

He is always available when you are ready to sit with Him. God loves you in an intimate way.

You are no longer an orphan you are a daughter of God!


About The Author:

Vernica Williams, MSW is the founder of ReClaiming Your Voice, a life coaching practice from a therapeutic and Biblical perspective and ministry that offers written, audio and video messages of encouragement through the word of God. Vernica specializes in core values development, issues rooted in rejection, people pleasing and emotional abuse.

She is the author of “Prayerful Affirmations: 21 Biblical Affirmations to Bring You Closer to God and Increase Your Faith, and the host and producer of the RYV Podcast and YouTube channel.

Vernica uses her history of trauma to point women to Jesus and to let them know no matter the pain life will bring; you too can reclaim your voice in God. To contact Vernica you can email her at and learn more about RYV at


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