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Writer's pictureOdaisha Ajayi

Essential Steps for Hearing From God In Your Faith-Based Business

When you're starting or building your online business, especially as a woman of faith, one of the most crucial aspects of your journey is learning to hear from God. Whether you're seeking direction, clarity, or confirmation, understanding how to tune into God's voice can be the difference between moving forward with confidence or feeling lost and uncertain.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing some key insights from a recent episode of my podcast, where I discussed practical ways to hear from God as you build your business. We’ll explore how to recognize His voice, the importance of aligning your plans with His Word, and why intimacy with God is foundational to your success.

1. Write It Down: The Power of Journaling Your Spiritual Impressions

The first step to hearing from God in your business is to start by writing down everything you feel God is saying to you. Whether it’s an idea, a plan, or just an impression in your spirit, getting it on paper is crucial. Once you've written it down, the next step is to align these thoughts with His Word.

For example, the first time I clearly heard from God, He instructed me to practice abstinence—a message that was challenging for me to accept at the time. However, by searching the Scriptures, I found that it aligned with biblical principles, confirming that it was indeed God's voice. This same process applies to you—if what you're hearing aligns with God’s Word, it’s a strong indication that it’s from Him.

2. Develop a Deep Desire to Hear From God

Building a successful, God-honoring business requires more than just desire; it demands a hunger to hear from God. Scripture tells us, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). This principle is vital in business as well. Cultivating a deep, persistent desire to hear from God will position you to receive His guidance more clearly.

To nurture this desire, invest time in prayer, asking God to make His voice known in your business decisions. This also ties into the next point—developing an intimate relationship with God.

3. Cultivate Intimacy With God

The art of hearing from God begins with intimacy. Just as a mother recognizes her child’s voice in a crowd, you too can become familiar with God’s voice by spending quality time with Him. This involves both speaking to God in prayer and listening for His responses. Your relationship with Him will sharpen your spiritual ears, allowing you to hear and obey His instructions.

The more you immerse yourself in God’s Word, the more familiar you’ll become with His voice. Knowing what pleases God and understanding His character are essential for discerning whether the promptings you feel are from Him.

4. Approach God With a Heart of Repentance

Sin can block your ability to hear from God. The Bible reminds us that unconfessed sin creates a barrier between us and God. To ensure you’re hearing clearly from Him, regularly examine your heart and repent of any sins, making a conscious effort to turn away from them.

Repentance is more than just saying sorry; it’s about making a deliberate change. For instance, if you recognize a spirit of pride in your life, repent and actively work to remove prideful behaviors. This act of turning away from sin clears the spiritual pathway, making it easier to hear God’s voice.

5. Embrace God’s Unique Strategy for Your Business

When you hear from God regarding your business, the instructions may not always align with conventional wisdom. Sometimes, God’s strategies are unorthodox or unexpected, but they are always purposeful. For example, after a failed launch of The Woman of Power group, God directed me to run a 30-day challenge, which turned out to be a turning point for my business.

God knows what you need at each stage of your business, so trust His guidance—even when it doesn’t make sense to you at first. His strategies are designed to bring about success in ways that you may not have anticipated.

6. Build a Relationship With the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is your helper, intercessor, and guide. Developing a relationship with the Holy Spirit is essential for hearing from God in your business. The Holy Spirit is not just an abstract force; He is a person who provides wisdom and truth. By engaging with the Holy Spirit, you’ll gain clarity and insight that are critical for making decisions aligned with God’s will.

Spending time studying the Book of Acts and other scriptures that highlight the work of the Holy Spirit can deepen your understanding and help you recognize His presence in your life and business.

Hearing from God as you build your business is not only possible but essential for your success. By cultivating a desire to hear from Him, spending intimate time in prayer and His Word, maintaining a heart of repentance, and relying on the Holy Spirit, you position yourself to receive divine guidance that will propel your business forward.

Remember, this journey requires faith and action. Test what you believe God is telling you, and don’t be afraid to take leaps of faith—even when the path isn’t clear.


About the Author

Odaisha Calderon is a Real-estate investor, Certified Life & Business Coach, and founder of The Woman of Power Group and Host of the Call Her Profitable Podcast. Odaisha empowers Christ-centered women to use their gifts to build Kingdom businesses for income and impact so they can be self-sufficient financially. You can connect with Odaisha on instagram @Thewomanofpowergroup or through email at

Want to dive deeper? Listen to Episode 4 of the Call Her Profitable podcast, where she explores this topic further and offers more practical tips on how to hear from God in your business. Your next breakthrough could be just a prayer away!


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