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Assigned and Realigned

By: Terryn Horton-Morton

Have you ever felt like you are drifting from one moment to the next, not really set in place, but doing what you have to do because, well, that’s all you know you must do to survive? I am curious if there are any other people who have found themselves stuck in a physical, mental, or spiritual rut?  You know the one where you are at work, yet you are not at work. You are at church, yet you are not at church. You are at school, yet you are not at school. You often find yourself blanking out on many occasions in your life. I can confess that I have driven miles down the road to reach a destination that I could not remember how I got there.

Do I have a witness?

When taking leaps of faith we start to realize how long we have been sleepwalking through our life. We have often been doing life but not living it. Somehow, we lose the engagement it takes to be who we are created to be.

We all have an assignment to complete and the time it takes to get there is really up to us. We just have to get tired enough with mediocrity to finally understand our true reason for existing.

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” - 1 Corinthians 10:31

To be assigned and then realigned is not something we will automatically embrace. I know from experience that it takes trials, trauma, teachable moments, and just plain tests to guide us all to move into the right direction. For example, have you ever tried to realign a dresser drawer when it comes off the track? Super hard and super annoying right? I find that I have to take all of the clothes out the drawer before I can properly realign the drawer to where it is supposed to be. Just like the dresser drawer, we must be emptied before we can become realigned to our kingdom assignment. 

We must be emptied of our guilt, shame, doubts, fears, and the anger and disappointment we have collected over the years. We must also be emptied of our preconceived notions of who we are supposed to be and where we are supposed to be. These things are heavy and often drag us down; this is why we cannot quite get our purpose on the right track to smoothly go into the flow of what God has for us. 

Realignment takes surrender. Are you ready to do that?

“For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” - Habakkuk 2:3

We are in a time that is crucial to our growth and development in the kingdom. We have to be about God’s business, kingdom business. Being assigned to be realigned is what the Pandemic positioned us for. We were never meant to be in one space forever, so in order to grow we must face realignment. 

Finally I challenge you to first of all, stop sleepwalking. Stop just floating from minute to minute; hour to hour; day to day. Stop wasting time on things that do not matter. Stop being fooled by Satan that you are not worthy or loved. Jesus already defeated the enemy, so walk boldly in that. 

There are so many great things inside of all of us that have been assigned to us; that we have yet to tap into because we refuse to realign ourselves with the will of God. You are assigned to realign with God’s glory divine. 

You got this because God got us.


About the Author:

Terryn Horton-Morton is the Owner of Modern Faitherella Books'n'Bliss. Learn more and connect with her here.


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