Are you an expert in your field? Passionate about entrepreneurship, empowering women and helping people achieve their goals? MCWEN is looking for you! We are featuring articles, videos and other content that aims to inform, inspire and enrich the MCWEN community. To learn more or to submit your original content, email
Disclaimer: please note that the views of featured Guest Bloggers do not necessarily reflect the views of the Minority Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network.
The Measure of Success: 3 Things Christian Entrepreneurs Can’t Do
Trauma and Entrepreneurship
When Problems Come Knocking
4 Essential Requests to Ask God for Success in Business
How to Monetize Your God-Given Gifts
Declare Your Business as a Kingdom Ministry
Are you selling yourself short?
Safeguards In The Storm
Embracing Faith: The Catalyst for Transformational Entrepreneurship
Overcome Insecurity and Prosper
The Importance Of Pause Breaks
Finding God's Purpose For Our Lives
Trust The P.R.O.C.E.S.S.
I Woke Up Like This
4 Tips to Finally Find Your Passion
Three Habits of a Successful Woman
Divine Intervention: For Such A Time As This