Are you an expert in your field? Passionate about entrepreneurship, empowering women and helping people achieve their goals? MCWEN is looking for you! We are featuring articles, videos and other content that aims to inform, inspire and enrich the MCWEN community. To learn more or to submit your original content, email
Disclaimer: please note that the views of featured Guest Bloggers do not necessarily reflect the views of the Minority Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network.
Do Not Be Afraid
The Pearl
The Pandemic of Purpose
Quiet Trust
Three Tips to Help You Bounce Back From Business Setback
How COVID-19 Increased My Faith
4 Tips to Help Women Unlock Their Potential
Getting UN-STUCK
You Only Die Once
Every Time YOU Say No, It Leads To Your Yes!
Expose the Deception to "F.A.I.L"
Saved, Successful, & Still Single
Divine Intervention: For Such A Time As This
Breaking NEW Ground
Unapologetically Vulnerable
The Bible's Way For Giving
2019 Embracing YOU Conference
Discouragement: A Purpose Killer
Ask, Seek, Knock - The Best Business Hacks